Recognition is one of the primary values of NRHH. As such, the UBC NRHH Chapter practices recognition in three regular, formal ways, and several other informal ways as well.
To read more about OTMs, bids, or pins, please click on the corresponding image below:
“Of the Month” Award nominations
“Of the Year” Award Nominations
Leadership & Service Recognition
Recognition starts with YOU, but it doesn’t need to be as complicated as writing a bid. In fact, there are things you can do every day that only take a few minutes, and can make someone feel amazing!
Talk to your front desk staff! Tell them you appreciate what they do!
Compliment a great bulletin board in your residence commonsblock!
Attend events organized by your RA or House Council!
Write your roommate a nice note!
Reach out to help a peer in need!
Samuel Yellin Excellence in Leadership Award
In addition to recognizing outstanding individuals across all of UBC’s residence halls, the NRHH Thunderbird Chapter has one internal award that aims to recognize an active members’ excellence in leadership.
The Samuel Yellin Excellence in Leadership Award is designed to provide recognition to an individual NRHH member in good standing with UBC that has shown long term commitment to all the values of NRHH.
Samel Yellin was one of the founding members of the NRHH Thunderbird Chapter and was involved on the campus, regional, and international levels during his 6 years at UBC. He exemplified true commitment to the chapter by establishing the chapter’s constitution, increasing UBC visibility at the PACURH and NACURH levels, and creating a well-rounded council while maintaining outstanding academic achievement and serving in multiple positions in Residence Life and NRHH. During his time at UBC, Samuel was recognized for his tireless contributions to the chapter and the University including winning the prestigious Windi Sasaki NRHH Cornerstone Award, the Carl Cooper Award, the Student Leadership Conference “Faces of Today” award, and the Silver, Bronze, and White pins.
This award is given yearly to an inducted member of the Thunderbird Chapter of the NRHH who has been a member of the residence community at UBC for at least two academic years, and who has contributed positively to the visibility of the NRHH, PACURH, and/or NACURH within their residence community, demonstrating excellence in leadership.
UBC National Residence Hall Honorary
2205 Lower Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4